About the principal investigator

Prof. Anna Laura Pisello

Anna Laura Pisello is full Professor of buildings physics and energy system at University of Perugia, Italy and founder of the EAPLAB.NET (Environmental Applied Physics Lab).

She graduated cum laude in Building Engineering at Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy, in 2009. She received her PhD in Energy Engineering from University of Perugia in 2013. She was visiting scholar at Columbia University, Virginia Tech and City University of New York in 2010-12. She has been post-doc fellow of Applied Physics in 2013, and she is currently Associate Professor of Applied Physics at University of Perugia, Italy and visiting research associate at Princeton University (NJ, USA). On 2022 she got the national qualification as full professor of Applied physics.

She is author of more than 150 international refereed journals. She won seven international academic awards and european projects under the framework of Horizon 2020 program. She is associate editor of Solar Energy (Elsevier), editor of Energy and Buildings (Elsevier) and Nature Scientific Reports, among others.

She serves as a member of the teaching board of the Doctorate school of Energy and sustainable development where she is mentoring several PhD students. She is lecturer of Environmental applied physics and has been co-advisor of more than 50 master thesis in Building/Civil and Mechanical Engineering.
She is PI of several Horizon 2020 grants and PI of the ERC Starting Grant HELIOS.

She was invited lecturer in prestigious academic institutions around the world (e.g. at Princeton University, at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, at Virginia Tech, etc.). She is member of the editorial board in several international journals, e.g. Energy and Buildings, Energy research and social science, etc.
Her research interests cover two main directions: innovative smart materials for building envelope multifunctional optimization and thermo-physics characterization, and indoor-outdoor microclimate for environmental comfort and energy saving, with dedicated attention to dense urban areas and city resilience to climate change. Under the framework of these two main themes, she investigates energy efficiency and thermal-energy performance optimization in buildings, new analysis methods for estimating the effect of innovative strategies; continuous monitoring techniques for detecting building thermal-energy performance; high albedo solutions for passive cooling and as mitigation strategy against urban heat island phenomenon; local climate boundary conditions affecting building thermal-energy behavior; indoor-outdoor microclimate analysis for preserving cultural heritage.

Research Team

HELIOS team members

Claudia Fabiani

Assistant professor

Building Engineer PhD

ID 0000-0002-4353-039X

Benedetta Pioppi

PhD research fellow

Civil Engineer

ID 0000-0001-7602-439X

Veronica Gnecco

PhD student

Civil Engineer

ID 0000-0002-5473-5075

Filippo Vittori

PhD student

Building Engineer

ID 0000-0002-1021-9423

Ioannis Kousis

​Marie Curie PhD research fellow


ID 0000-0002-4433-1878

Silvia Cavagnoli

PhD student

Building Engineer

ID 0000-0002-1998-5140

Roberta Cureau

Post-Doc research fellow

Civil Engineer

ID 0000-0002-0288-8440

Ludovica Segneri

PhD student

Management Engineer

ID 0000-0001-6952-0045

Francesco Marchini

PhD student

Building Engineer

ID 0000-0002-9867-9140

Ilaria Pigliautile

Assistant professor

Building Engineer PhD

ID 0000-0003-3128-4627

Carolina Santini

PhD student

Building Engineer

ID 0000-0001-8614-968X

Ilaria Castellini

Expert in project Management

Humanistic Degree

Chiara Chiatti

Post-Doc research fellow

Building Engineer

ID 0000-0001-6106-0910

Najme Sharifi

PhD student

Building Engineer

Elena Tarpani

PhD student

Building Engineer

ID 0000-0002-7440-9891

Mattia Carminati

IT Assistant

Computer Engineer

Contibutors from other departments/labs

Loredana Latterini

Full professor

Chemist PhD

ID 0000-0001-9198-8162

Costanza Borghesi

PhD student


Roberto D’Amato

Assistant professor

Chemist PhD

ID 0000-0001-8519-0568

Andrea Colladon

Associate professor

Management Engineer PhD

ID 0000-0002-5348-9722

Roberto Bondi

PhD research fellow

Civil Engineer

ID 0000-0002-8544-2777

Valentina Coccia

Assistant professor

Environmental Engineer PhD

ID 0000-0001-5330-4970

Giacomo Giorgi

Associate professor

Chemist PhD

ID 0000-0003-4892-7908

Franco Cotana

Full Professor

Electrictal Engineer

ID 0000-0001-5705-5537

Helios/Eaplab Alumni

Ioannis Kousis

PhD research fellow


ID 0000-0002-4433-1878

Fabiana Landi

PhD research fellow

Architect and Urban Planner

ID 0000-0002-7440-9891

Benedetta Pioppi

PhD research fellow


ID 0000-0001-7602-439X